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Tungsten-Bold Font download

About Tungsten-Bold

Tungsten-Bold is a bold and striking font that commands attention with its strong presence and powerful weight. The font’s APERTURE is wide and inviting, drawing the reader’s eye into each character. The APEX of each letter is sharp and well-defined, adding a touch of elegance to its overall structure. The ARC of the font is smooth and fluid, creating a sense of movement and flow. The ARM of each letter is solid and sturdy, giving the font a grounded feel. The ASCENDER extends gracefully above the x-height, while the DESCENDER reaches below the baseline, adding a dynamic quality to the font’s design.

With its clean AXIS and precise BEAKs, Tungsten-Bold exudes a sense of professionalism and refinement. The BILATERAL SERIFs add a touch of classic sophistication, while the sharp BRACKETs give the font a modern edge. The BOWL of each letter is generous and open, providing ample space for the eye to explore. The COUNTERs are both open and closed, creating a sense of balance and harmony within the design. The CROSSBARs are clean and level, adding a sense of structure and stability.

The CROTCH of the font is well-defined, adding a touch of personality to its overall appearance. The EAR of each letter is delicate and understated, while the EYE is bold and expressive. The FINIALs add a touch of flair to each character, while the FOOT provides a solid foundation for the font’s design. The HAIRLINE is delicate and refined, contrasting with the bold weight of the font. The HEAD SERIF adds a touch of elegance to the font’s overall structure.

Tungsten-Bold is a font with a strong sense of JOINT, where each letter seamlessly connects to the next. The LEG of each character is sturdy and well-balanced, providing a solid foundation for the font’s design. The LIGATUREs flow effortlessly from one character to the next, enhancing the font’s overall readability. The LINK/NECK connects each character to the next, adding a sense of cohesion to the design. The LOOPs of the font are smooth and well-rounded, creating a sense of movement and flow.

With its subtle OVERHANGs and sharp SERIFs, Tungsten-Bold exudes a sense of sophistication and elegance. The SHOULDER of each letter is well-defined, adding a touch of structure to the font’s design. The SPINE of the font is clean and straight, while the SPUR adds a touch of flair to each character. The STEM of each letter is strong and sturdy, providing a solid foundation for the font’s overall weight. The STRESS is evenly distributed throughout each character, adding a sense of balance and harmony.

The TAIL of each letter is graceful and well-balanced, adding a touch of elegance to its overall structure. The TITTLE is small and precise, adding a touch of refinement to the font’s design. The TERMINALs are clean and well-defined, while the VERTEX adds a touch of flair to each character. Tungsten-Bold is a font that is both elegant and rugged, serious yet friendly, and classic yet progressive. Its neutral expressiveness and warm demeanor make it a versatile choice for a wide range of design projects.


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Publish Date: 2024-01-18

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