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Stevie Sans Regular

Stevie Sans Regular
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Stevie Sans Regular Font download

About Stevie Sans Regular

Font Weight Name: Stevie Sans Regular, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is ” StEVIESans ReGULAr bRings a MoDERn twISt to thE sAnS-sERif gEnrE. wIth its SMoOth ARCs and GEOMETrIc STRuCTuRE, IT bOASTs a CLEAN aPEX and shArP ThRMInAls thAT add CHArACTer tO ITS MINIMALIST DeSIGN. ThE LoOpS and BowLS AR e SPACIOUs, CREATing AN AiRY fEELING thAt MAkEs IT EAsY oN ThE eYE. ITs slIgHT SHoULdERs And bIlAtERAl SErIf dETAILs COnTRibuTE TO ITs ELeGANCE, WHILE ThE SPURS ANd FInIALs proVIDe A SUBTLe eXpREsSiVENess. ThIs FONT sTRADDles thE LINE betwEEn sERIouS AnD friENdlY, clASSiC yEt ProGREsSIVe, MAkIng it A vErSAtIlE ChOiCE FOR DIVERSe usES. ItS cOLd ApPEArAnCE iS bALaNcEd bY A WA rM mIdTOnE, adDing A hUmAN toUcH TO ITS MInIMALISscENT DEsIGN. MUsiC to thE EyEs, StEVIE Sans REGULAr is An uNIqUE BLeND of MoDERnITy AnD clASSic StYLe.


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Publish Date: 2024-09-17

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