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Roboto-Condensed-ExtraLight Font download

About Roboto-Condensed-ExtraLight

The Roboto-Condensed ExtraLight font has a sleek structure with clean lines and a subtle elegance that makes it perfect for modern design projects. The font features a moderate aperture and a slight arc on the letterforms, giving it a friendly and approachable feel. The ascenders are slightly shorter than usual, adding to the font’s unique style. The bowls are perfectly rounded, and the closed counters provide a crisp and polished look. The font also includes subtle serifs on the heads and feet of the letters, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall design. Overall, the Roboto-Condensed ExtraLight font is a perfect balance of classic and progressive elements, making it ideal for a wide range of design projects.

Classified as familiar and daring, the Roboto-Condensed ExtraLight font manages to strike the perfect balance between the two extremes. Its neutral expressiveness makes it a versatile choice for both serious and friendly projects. The font’s elegant yet rugged design is suitable for a wide range of applications, from cold and technical to warm and organic. Whether you are looking for a modern and bold typeface or a subtle and understated option, the Roboto-Condensed ExtraLight font has got you covered. Its familiar yet daring aesthetic sets it apart from other fonts in its class.


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Publish Date: 2024-03-17

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