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Program-OT-Book-Italic Font download

About Program-OT-Book-Italic

Font Weight Name: Program-OT-Book-Italic, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “. The Program-OT-Book-Italic font features a moderate aperture and a slight beak that adds a touch of elegance to its structure. The apex and arc are gracefully designed, giving the font a friendly and familiar vibe. The ascender and descender have a subtle crotch and finial, adding a classic touch to its overall appearance. The closed counter and bilateral serif create a sense of balance, while the clean and smooth crossbar exudes a sense of warmth. The font’s stem is sturdy, yet the hairline adds a delicate touch. With its organic design and neat foot, the Program-OT-Book-Italic font falls under the category of elegant and progressive fonts, suitable for various design projects.


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Publish Date: 2024-04-17

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