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Novel-Display-Cnd-Bold Font download

About Novel-Display-Cnd-Bold

Font Weight Name: Novel-Display-Cnd-Bold, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “. The Novel Display Cnd Bold font features a sleek design with a subtle flair, making it perfect for a wide range of projects. The APERTURE of the font is well-balanced, providing excellent readability in both small and large sizes. The crossbars and ASCENDERS are elegantly crafted, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall look. The font’s BOWL is smooth and rounded, creating a sense of modernity while the SPURS add a hint of traditional charm. The STRESS of the font is evenly distributed, giving it a harmonious appearance that is both classic and progressive. With its closed COUNTERS and clean SERIFS, this font exudes a serious yet friendly vibe, making it ideal for versatile applications. The FONT WEIGHT of Novel Display Cnd Bold strikes the perfect balance between elegance and boldness, making it suitable for a variety of design projects. In conclusion, this font embodies a blend of classic and contemporary elements, offering a unique and stylish typographic solution for any creative endeavor.


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Publish Date: 2024-04-16

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