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Neutral-Face Font download

About Neutral-Face

Font Weight Name: Neutral-Face, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “. An in-depth analysis of the font from the image reveals a balanced and harmonious design with a clear sense of APERTURE and ARC. The APEX of the letters is sharp yet refined, creating a sense of elegance. Each ARM and ASCENDER is carefully crafted, adding to the overall structure of the font. The AXIS of the letters is straight and steady, giving the font a serious yet friendly feel. BILATERAL SERIFS are present, adding a touch of classic sophistication. The BOWL of each letter is perfectly rounded, with subtle BRACKETS adding a touch of modernity. The COUNTERS are open and inviting, while the CROSSBARS are sturdy and well-defined. The DESCENDERS are gracefully extended, giving the font a unique flair. The overall design is polished and refined, with intricate details such as EARS and EYES adding character. The FINIALS and FEET are delicate and graceful, adding a touch of sophistication. The HAIRLINES are thin and delicate, contrasting beautifully with the bold HEAD SERIFS. The JOINTS where strokes meet are smooth and seamless, creating a seamless flow. The LIGATURES are artfully designed, enhancing the overall readability of the font. The font has a strong LINK/NECK, connecting each character with fluidity. The LOOPS are generous and inviting, adding a sense of warmth to the design. The SERIFS are classic and timeless, adding a touch of elegance. The overall design exudes a sense of warmth and familiarity, making it perfect for a wide range of design projects. The font strikes a perfect balance between classic and progressive, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Its expressive yet refined design makes it a versatile choice for both serious and friendly projects. The font’s organic yet technical feel adds a touch of creativity to any design, while its rugged elegance makes it stand out from the crowd. In conclusion, the font is a perfect blend of classic charm and modern sophistication, making it a timeless choice for designers looking to make a statement.


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Publish Date: 2024-08-10

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