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Maison-Neue-Light Font download

About Maison-Neue-Light

Font Weight Name: Maison-Neue-Light, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “. The Maison-Neue-Light font is a refined typeface with delicate APERTURES and smooth APEXES that give it an elegant and sophisticated feel. The slight ARC of its strokes and precise ARM terminals add a touch of modernity to its overall structure. With tall ASCENDERS and a balanced AXIS, this font exudes a serious yet friendly vibe, making it suitable for a wide range of design projects. The BOWLS are open and inviting, while the subtle BRACKETS add a traditional touch. The counters are a mix of both closed and open, creating a harmonious flow throughout the letters. Maison-Neue-Light features a clean CROSSBAR and distinctive CROTCH, giving it a unique personality. The DESCENDERS are slightly tapered, adding a sense of sophistication, while the delicate EARS and EYES bring a touch of playfulness. The FINIALS are refined and polished, complementing the sturdy FOOT of the letters. The HAIRLINE strokes and HEAD SERIFS give this font a timeless quality, perfect for both classic and progressive designs. The JOINTS are clean and precise, enhancing the overall legibility of the font. The LIGATURES are expertly crafted, adding a touch of elegance to the letter connections. The LINKS/NECKS are seamless, creating a smooth and continuous flow. The delicate LOOPS and subtle OVERHANGS add a sense of softness and warmth to the font. Maison-Neue-Light features sleek SERIFS that give it a touch of sophistication, while the sturdy SHOULDERS provide a sense of stability. The SPINE of the font is smooth and fluid, adding a sense of movement to the overall design. The minimal SPURS and strong STEMS give this font a modern and dynamic look. The even STRESS distribution throughout the letters creates a sense of balance and harmony. The flowing TAILS and precise TITTLES add a touch of finesse to every character. The elegant TERMINALS and sharp VERTEXES complete the look, making Maison-Neue-Light a versatile and stylish font that is sure to elevate any design project. Neutral – Expressive, Elegant – Rugged, Serious – Friendly, Technic – Organic, Classic – Progressive, Familiar – Daring, Loud – Discreet, Cold – Warm.


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Publish Date: 2024-01-14

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