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IvyEpic-Bold-Italic Font download

About IvyEpic-Bold-Italic

Font Weight Name: IvyEpic-Bold-Italic, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “.

When analyzing this font, one can appreciate the distinctiveness of its design. The APERTURE of each letter is carefully crafted, creating a harmonious balance between positive and negative space. The APEX of characters like ‘A’ and ‘N’ adds a touch of elegance, while the ARC of the ‘O’ and ‘C’ brings a sense of dynamism to the overall composition. The ARM of the ‘K’ and ‘R’ is sturdy and well-defined, giving the font a strong and confident appearance. The ASCENDER of the ‘h’ and ‘l’ reaches for the sky, while the DESCENDER of the ‘g’ and ‘y’ anchors the text firmly to the baseline.

The AXIS of the letterforms is perfectly vertical, providing a sense of stability and order. The BEAK of the ‘f’ and ‘r’ adds a subtle flair, complementing the overall design. The BILATERAL SERIF of the font is classic and timeless, adding a touch of sophistication. The BOWL of the ‘a’ and ‘b’ is generous and inviting, drawing the reader’s eye to the heart of each character. The BRACKET of the serif is delicate and refined, enhancing the overall elegance of the typeface.

The COUNTER (open) of the ‘e’ and ‘o’ is spacious and airy, creating a sense of openness and freedom. On the other hand, the COUNTER (closed) of the ‘s’ and ‘c’ is compact and contained, adding a sense of solidity and structure to the text. The CROSSBAR of the ‘f’ and ‘t’ is horizontal and unobtrusive, maintaining a sense of continuity and flow. The CROTCH of the ‘k’ and ‘v’ is sharp and precise, adding a touch of modernity to the overall design.

Overall, this font can be classified as Elegant – Rugged, combining classic elements with a modern twist. Its structure is solid and well-defined, while its expressiveness adds a touch of flair and sophistication. With its timeless design and subtle nuances, IvyEpic-Bold-Italic is sure to make a statement in any typographic project.


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Publish Date: 2024-04-15

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