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Geomanist-Medium Font download

About Geomanist-Medium

Font Weight Name: Geomanist-Medium, Font Family: Geomanist, designed by Atipo Foundry. This font is part of the Geomanist family, licensed with unlimited usage, and manufactured by Atipo Foundry. The current version is 1.000. Geomanist-Medium features a sleek and modern design with a balanced mix of geometric shapes and humanist influences. The open aperture and slightly rounded apex give the font a friendly and approachable feel, while the soft arc and elegant curve of the arm add a touch of sophistication. The ascender and descender are well proportioned, providing a harmonious balance to the overall structure of the font. The bilateral serif on the head serif and the subtle bracket on the bowl add a classic touch to the otherwise minimalist design. The closed counter gives the font a solid and grounded appearance, while the crossbar adds a horizontal balance to the vertical stress of the stems. The serif at the end of the stroke gives the font a timeless and refined look, while the shoulder and spine provide stability and elegance. Geomanist-Medium is a versatile font that can adapt to various design styles, making it a great choice for both classic and progressive projects. Its familiar yet daring characteristics make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from corporate branding to editorial design. With its discreet yet expressive nature, Geomanist-Medium can convey a sense of warmth and friendliness while maintaining a professional and serious tone.


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Publish Date: 2024-08-04

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