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Dai-Banna-SIL Font download

About Dai-Banna-SIL

The Dai-Banna-SIL font has a unique and eye-catching design that sets it apart from other fonts. The APERTURE of the letters is wide and open, giving them a clean and modern look. The APEX of the characters is sharp and defined, adding a sense of sophistication to the overall appearance. The ARC of the curves is smooth and flowing, creating a sense of elegance and grace in each letter. The ARM of the strokes is strong and bold, giving the font a sense of power and stability.

The ASCENDER of the letters is tall and graceful, adding a sense of height and grandeur to the text. The AXIS of the characters is perfectly straight, giving the font a sense of order and precision. The BEAK of the terminals is sharp and pointed, adding a touch of whimsy and playfulness to the overall design. The BILATERAL SERIF of the letters is classic and timeless, bringing a sense of tradition and history to the font.

The BOWL of the characters is round and full, giving them a sense of warmth and friendliness. The BRACKET of the serifs is subtle and understated, adding a touch of sophistication and refinement to the overall design. The COUNTER (open) of the letters is spacious and inviting, drawing the reader in and making the text easy to read. The COUNTER (closed) is small and compact, adding a sense of density and weight to the characters.

The CROSSBAR of the letters is strong and sturdy, adding a sense of structure and stability to the overall design. The CROTCH of the characters is unique and interesting, giving the font a sense of personality and character. The DESCENDER of the letters is long and elegant, adding a sense of movement and flow to the text. The EAR of the serifs is small and delicate, adding a touch of refinement and sophistication to the overall design.

The EYE of the characters is round and expressive, giving them a sense of life and energy. The FINIAL of the terminals is intricate and detailed, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the font. The FOOT of the letters is solid and strong, giving them a sense of stability and grounding. The HAIRLINE of the strokes is delicate and fine, adding a sense of lightness and grace to the overall design.

The HEAD SERIF of the letters is bold and striking, adding a sense of importance and prominence to the text. The JOINT of the characters is strong and secure, giving the font a sense of unity and cohesion. The LEG of the serifs is long and elegant, adding a sense of height and grace to the overall design. The LIGATURE of the letters is smooth and seamless, adding a sense of continuity and flow to the text.

The LINK/NECK of the characters is sturdy and robust, giving the font a sense of strength and power. The LOOP of the characters is graceful and fluid, adding a sense of movement and energy to the text. The OVERHANG of the terminals is sharp and dramatic, adding a touch of flair and style to the overall design. The SERIF of the letters is classic and timeless, bringing a sense of tradition and history to the font.

The SHOULDER of the characters is broad and strong, adding a sense of stability and support to the text. The SPINE of the letters is straight and rigid, giving them a sense of structure and order. The SPUR of the serifs is sharp and pointed, adding a touch of drama and excitement to the font. The STEM of the strokes is thick and bold, giving the text a sense of weight and substance.

The STRESS of the characters is dynamic and energetic, adding a sense of movement and tension to the overall design. The TAIL of the letters is long and elegant, adding a sense of flow and grace to the text. The TITTLE of the characters is small and delicate, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to the overall design. The TERMINAL of the terminals is strong and bold, adding a sense of power and authority to the font.

The VERTEX of the characters is sharp and defined, giving them a sense of direction and purpose. The Dai-Banna-SIL font can be classified as ELEGANT – RUGGED, with its combination of sharp edges and smooth curves creating a striking and sophisticated appearance. It manages to find a balance between elegance and toughness, making it a versatile choice for a variety of design projects. Its serious yet friendly demeanor appeals to those looking for a font that exudes both professionalism and approachability.


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Publish Date: 2024-07-16

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