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Bree-CYR-var-Regular Font download

About Bree-CYR-var-Regular

Font Weight Name: Bree-CYR-var-Regular, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is “.

When looking at the font from the image, we can see that it has a perfect balance between elegance and expressiveness. The APERTURES on the letters are clean and open, giving the font a friendly and welcoming feel. The APEX points are sharp and well-defined, adding a sense of sophistication to the overall structure of the font.

The ARC of the letters is smooth and fluid, creating a sense of movement and grace. The ARMS of the characters are slightly curved, adding a touch of softness to the overall design. The ASCENDERS are tall and proud, giving the font a sense of balance and stability.

The AXIS of the font is straight and strong, giving the characters a sense of solidity and structure. The BEAKS on certain letters add a unique touch to the overall design, making the font stand out from the crowd. The BILATERAL SERIFS are crisp and sharp, adding a touch of elegance to the font.

The BOWLS are perfectly rounded, adding a sense of harmony to the overall design. The BRACKETS on the characters are subtly curved, creating a sense of unity and cohesion. The COUNTERS are open and spacious, giving the font a modern and contemporary look.

The CROSSBARS are sturdy and well-defined, adding a sense of strength to the characters. The CROTCH between the characters is smooth and seamless, creating a sense of fluidity. The DESCENDERS are long and elegant, adding a sense of drama to the overall design.

The EARS on certain letters give the font a playful and whimsical feel. The EYES of the characters are open and expressive, adding a sense of warmth and personality. The FINIALS on certain letters add a touch of sophistication to the overall design.

The FEET of the characters are stable and well-balanced, giving the font a sense of groundedness. The HAIRLINES are delicate and fine, adding a sense of elegance to the overall design. The HEAD SERIFS are sharp and precise, adding a touch of sophistication to the font.

The JOINTS between the characters are smooth and seamless, creating a sense of fluidity. The LEGS of the characters are sturdy and well-defined, adding a sense of strength to the overall design. The LIGATURES in the font are beautifully crafted, adding a touch of elegance to the characters.

The LINKS/NECKS of the letters are smooth and fluid, creating a sense of movement and grace. The LOOPS on certain characters add a touch of whimsy and playfulness to the font. The OVERHANG of the characters adds a sense of drama and flair to the overall design.

The SERIFS on the characters are classic and traditional, giving the font a timeless and sophisticated look. The SHOULDERS of the characters are strong and well-defined, adding a sense of stability to the overall design. The SPINE of the font is straight and sturdy, adding a sense of structure and solidity.

The SPURS on the characters add a touch of flair and personality to the font. The STEMS of the characters are strong and well-defined, giving the font a sense of strength and stability. The STRESS of the font is evenly distributed, creating a sense of balance and harmony.

The TAILS of the characters are elegant and well-proportioned, adding a sense of sophistication to the overall design. The TITTLES on certain characters add a touch of whimsy and playfulness to the font. The TERMINALS of the characters are sharp and precise, adding a touch of elegance to the characters.

The VERTEX of the font is strong and well-defined, giving the characters a sense of solidity and structure. Overall, this font can be classified as elegant, friendly, organic, progressive, daring, discreet, and warm.

In conclusion, the font from the image exudes a unique charm with its blend of clean lines, sharp details, and elegant curves. It strikes the perfect balance between expressiveness and sophistication, making it a great choice for a wide range of design projects.


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Publish Date: 2024-04-05

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