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Akagi-Medium Font download

About Akagi-Medium

Font Weight Name: Akagi-Medium, Font Family: , designed by . This font is part of the family, licensed with , and manufactured by . The current version is ”

When looking at the font from the image provided, Akagi-Medium, a few characteristics stand out. The font has a moderate aperture, giving it a balanced and open feel. The apexes are sharp, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall design. The arc of the letters flows smoothly, adding elegance to the structure. Each arm is carefully crafted, creating a harmonious balance in the overall composition.

The ascenders are tall and proud, adding verticality to the design, while the axis of each letter is perfectly aligned, maintaining a strong and consistent visual rhythm. The beaks are subtle, adding a touch of flair to the font without overwhelming the viewer. The bilateral serifs are clean and sharp, adding a touch of classic elegance to the overall look.

The bowls are generous and rounded, giving the letters a warm and inviting feel. The brackets are subtle, providing just the right amount of support to the overall structure. The counters are both open and closed, creating a dynamic interplay between light and dark spaces within the letters.

The overall design of Akagi-Medium can be classified as elegant and progressive. Its sleek lines and sharp angles give it a modern and sophisticated vibe, while the smooth curves and balanced structure add a touch of classic elegance. The font strikes a perfect balance between being familiar and daring, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of design projects.

In conclusion, Akagi-Medium is a font that combines elements of both classic and modern design. Its expressiveness and elegance make it a great choice for projects that require a sophisticated touch, while its progressive elements add a contemporary flair. Whether you’re looking to create a serious and friendly design or something more bold and daring, Akagi-Medium has you covered.


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Publish Date: 2023-12-24

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